Advertisement Info

Advertising Info

Why advertise on Daily Hockey Deals? 
  • Site has a sport specific rapidly growing viewing base, 
  • A relatively new site, been running 3 months, and has been growing steadily
  • Targets every Hockey interested person that has ever bought equipment to play 
  • Very affordable ad rates
Will consider all text and image ads.

Ad zones can be seen in the image at the bottom of this page, with rates as follows:
  • Zone A - 728 x 90 Banner - $30 US / month
  • Zone B - 300 x 250 Box - $20 US / month
  • Zone C - Sidebar Special - 125 x 125 Mini Box - $15 US / month
All zones can be paid for through Paypal.  Also willing to work with hockey equipment companies to work out other advertisement possibilities. Please contact for any inquiries.