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Hockey monkey is having a HUGE sale on Mission gear, and go to the Mission Sale Banner, it's rotating at the front page, Get on it baby
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So go ahead, scroll to the right, and click in, if you have any questions? Contact me. Now here's some information.
So if you didnt know, Mission hockey originally started as a roller hockey company, then made its way into the NHL, in fact, when Mission bought itech during the lockout they became one of the biggest companies, not bad for an "indie" company against the big corporations like Easton and bauer.
DID YOU KNOW: Easton attempted the first One piece composite stick, failed, sold it to mission and Mission is the reason why we have One Piece Sticks that work? They also created the first tapered shaft
A few years ago Mission came out with their NME series, skates, protective, and their Fuel ti and those awesome Titaniums. If you didnt know, right after the lockout Mission became the number helmet company in the NHL. More players per team began using the Mission NME/Intake than any other helmet except the Bauer 4500 and the RBK8k.
Then they came out with this skate that would compete with the Bauer one95 and the titanium sticks that could hang in there with all the other top flight sticks.
So what did Bauer do? Unlike the other companies, they wanted them gone. Whats a good way to get rid of the competition? Buy them.
Bauer 5100? You can thank missions intake VN liner for that. Bauer visors? Itech division of Mission.
The whole point of this story?
Click on the banner and follow the link